(or driving there through Europe en route, where I have no doubt you will experience at least 1 day of rain!!)basking in glorious sunshine, here is a small taste of what the Canadian skies decided to dump on us in Moncton, New Brunswick, CANADA over the course of Monday March 30th & Tuesday March 31st 2009.

The previous weekend we had seen a considerable melt of the already existing snow, only to be plunged right back into the depths of hell when this little lot arrived.
When I say little, I may be slightly out of touch...................................
32Cm's of the white shit settled if I am to believe reports.
Tattoo man & I had been discussing barbecues & beer on the deck just the previous day......so obviously it was going to snow again!
Of course it is forecast to rain for the next few days, so that idea can once again shove itself right up it's own arse!
Fortunately we are once again experiencing temperatures above freezing & the sun is making a more frequent appearance, therefore melting said white stuff quite rapidly.
Unfortunately we had just washed the car on Sunday so it once again looks as if it has been used as the lav by a water buffalo with stomach flu!!!
Possibly made worse by my ABSOLUTE refusal to shovel any more than half of the driveway, making it SO much easier for snowplough residue to once again attach itself to the fabulousness that is my (well OK ,our Santa Fe)
Back to the car wash again then!
At least while it is raining this weekend it will be helping eradicate the now turning brown, white stuff.
A little ditty........... Frosty the Snowman, he's a BIG pain in the arse
He dumps himself in my driveway, it really is a farce......
As usual, I could go on, but really, why bother. It's a waste of time & creativeness & everyone is already WELL aware of how I NEVER want to see any more snow AGAIN.....EVER!!!
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