Monday, January 12, 2015

Tips for driving in icy conditions

How I am laughing right now.

I just went to to see if we in the Great White North are getting a warm up.  It seems we are, but that is not why I am pissing in my large lady knickers.
Noo, the reason I'm deliriously dribbling, is a link for tips on driving in icy conditions.

Is it really necessary?  Really?  Come on, if you can't drive in icy conditions, especially in Canada or the Mid-West, you should get the fuck out of your car and walk.

Here is what you need to know about driving in icy conditions.

1: If it's dark, put your fucking lights on
2: Slow the fuck down
3: Stop fucking texting
3.5: Slow down more than you just did
4: Don't attempt to stop two feet away from a red light.  It's not going to fucking happen

In all honesty, I'd just advise you to sit the fuck down on the couch, eat pizza and drink a beer.

OK, you have a very, very small chance of choking to death, or suffering a nasty case of alcohol poisoning, but you are cutting out the possibility of getting T-boned by all the other cunts that don't know how to drive in icy conditions!

Stay Safe. Stay Home!

Headbangerwoman KG 2015 Jan 12

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