....has seemingly arrived and gone again, without so much as a whisper of "I'm bored" from the 9 year old.
A constant supply of friends to hang out with helped immensely, along with a huge amount of space to wander in and explore.
It would appear that this latest house move was a stroke of genius, unfortunately I cannot take the merit for that and must give the credit to Tattoo man (bugger, bollocks and bitches)
Summer didn't go quite as smoothly as I'm letting on though.
I was unlucky enough to be the driver of my SUV when a young boy ran out from behind a stationary vehicle and collided with said vehicle.
Fortunately he wasn't seriously hurt and it has made me a bit more 'aware' of any movement than I would perhaps like to be while I am driving (and while I am a passenger in any vehicle)
Because of this Shakka had to miss 3 days of summer school at the Theatre, which she wasn't too happy about, but she will doubtless make up for it.
Tattoo man and I managed a whole 2 day break away to attend a fabulous wedding in St. John NB at the end of August.
I have been to lot's of weddings, but never one like this. The whole thing was in the Theatre and it was just unique.
It was very strange being away from Shakka, even for 2 days and she called me in tears on the Saturday with very real signs of homesickness and missing her Mom.
I got up the next morning at 4.30 to go and collect her...yes Mommy was missing her girl too!!
We spent a fabulous day at Riverglade watching the MotoX, resulting in the purchase of a 110cc Kawasaki (pronounced ca wa ski if you are a 9 year old!!), which was ABSOLUTELY necessary, honestly Dad... Tattoo man and me (despite the weight restriction) have had several outings, but alas, Shakka is terrified to ride the bloody thing..is now a good time to say I TOLD YOU SO..
LOOK OUT Kijiji, here I come!!!
Blog has not been too forthcoming, but it`s been as hectic as hell. Not that I'm complaining, this summer has been pretty fantastic.
I will try and step it up a gear once I have completed the final step of my immigration paperwork (citizenship) after the small people have returned to their learning institutions!!
Now I have to apologize, my keyboard has gone funky and is putting the wrong comma`s etc in the wrong places..but you`ll have to live with it!!
HALLOWEEN...bring it on

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