Tuesday, September 22, 2009

DJ Am (Adam Goldstein)

I was watching the VMA's (MTV video music awards) last week when some rapper guy (I have no clue who he was, there seem to be so many...I know it was not Jay Zee) dedicated his song to the above mentioned Adam Goldstein.

What really pissed me off was the fact that he waxed lyrical about the guy.
(Now he was probably really nice, but he obviously had issues and yes, that is plural!)

Why then did he not also mention to the millions of children and teens watching the show that he had been (and was at the time of his demise) a drug user.
Why was this opportunity not used to reinforce the fact that using crack will ultimately put you in an early grave. Why was it not stated that there are alternative ways to work out your issues.
Why was this guy even mentioned?????

I know he was someones son, brother etc. But for fucks sake, lets stop glamourizing this culture of drug taking and alcohol abuse.
Get this into perspective, share the fact that drug use will kill you and show the deaths of these 'celebrities' as an example of what NOT to do. It may have more of an impact.

At the very same awards show Madonna gave a lengthy and pretty fucking boring speech about Michael Jackson. (Another very troubled person, however one with infinately more talent than Mr AM)
Seemingly at some point during this speech she forgot why she was there and managed to talk for a good five minutes about (you guessed it) Madonna, who incidentaly has got a new single out which sounds exactly like all the stuff she did in the 80's. Some people should just learn to give up gracefully!!!

Where the hell has my spellcheck gone........ I'm posting without correcting then!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Dieppe aquatic centre. Dieppe, New Brunswick

What a total crock of shit.

Yes people I am angry, infuriated, pissy...in fact I am downright fucking raging!

This weekend will see the grand opening of the brand new aquatic centre in Dieppe, New Brunswick.

Here are some reasons I will not be attending.

I absolutely refuse to pay 10% more than the residents of Dieppe.

Who the hell do these people think they are (the council, not the residents)?For one thing you have absolutely NO right to ask me for proof of my address and for another I don't see a single resident of Dieppe being asked by the residents of either Moncton or Riverview, to pay 10% more when they visit a local bar or attraction, etc.

I know, lets charge the residents of Dieppe to cross the Gunningsville bridge..

We live in a community that has a large influx of visitor during the summer, they are NOT going to appreciate that bollocks for a second.

I will not, nor have I ever since I was in school wear a fucking bathing cap.

Over the summer I swam in hotel pools, Centennial beach and several fabulous beaches in the area. Not once did I wear a bathing cap and I am female. How many men can you see wearing a bathing cap...We are not in the 19th century in New Brunswick..or are we? Next we will all be required to wear a one piece bathing suit!

Of course if I were completely bald this wouldn't be a requirement. (Is this just my head hair that is being referred to, I wonder?)

What if I am a totally bald guy (or girl, lets not discriminate here) who is hirsute over the rest of his body? Will he/she be required to wrap himself in plastic wrap before entering the pool?

When is this pool actually catering to the needs of the public? I checked the schedule and it seems that it will only be open for approximately three hours a day.. What the fuck is that going to accomplish?

When I lived in Sherwood park, AB, the local pool and fitness centre was open from 5.30am until 11pm(it still is!). This was a project similar to the aquatic centre in Dieppe, but for $8million more there were ice rinks, a fully equipped, state of the art fitness gym, two indoor soccer pitches, a concessions area, an indoor children's play area, an aerobics facility and there were two pools, a steam room, a lazy river, a sauna, a wave machine, a children's wet play area(I could list more but I have provided a link). Childcare was available for a small charge, giving tired Moms a chance to have some me time.

Click on the link to take a peek!


The entry charge was approximately $8 per adult $5 for a child. For this fee you could stay all day and use all the facilities.

When exactly do the powers that be expect they will turn a profit, or at the very least earn back the hard earned money of Dieppe taxpayers?

It's not as if they turn the pool off to save money when the frigging thing is not open to the public. It is operational 24/7 unless it is being cleaned!

Have they even considered the huge amount of revenue that could be gained from Moms and pre-school kids, day cares, the folk who like an early morning swim before work, seniors in the retirement years..... again, the list could go on.

This has been a farce right from the word go and in my opinion is just a banal attempt at one upmanship.

Well let me tell you Mr Mayor of Dieppe, your attempt is a downright fucking failure.

When it is convenient Dieppe, Moncton and Riverview make sad and pathetic attempts to appear as a united front however if (lets use the Casino as another example) one gets something the others wanted, pacifiers are spat and feet are stamped. Residents are made to suffer and taxes are squandered so that you can once again do one better.

If this had been the money of a private investor deadlines would have been met and we would now have a fabulous fitness centre/pool/community centre that was open to the public when they need it, not when it is convenient.

Below is a link to yet another frivolous spending spree. While on a much larger scale it just goes to show what politicians are able to get away with while spending other peoples cash!


Finally, I would really like to know how there can be over 300 children signed up for classes and there is already a waiting list, when the facility is not yet open and I have not seen a single newspaper/website advertising services anywhere in the area, nor have I heard a whiff on the radio?

I suppose that none of the children pre-signed are related to Dieppe councillors or their friends and family?

I'm not going to rant on. it's pretty fucking pointless really, the damage is done and another $16million of hardworking taxpayers money has been frittered away by irresponsible pricks who really should know better.

I hope they remembered to claim back their lunch and business expenses while they were working on this project.........

Monday, September 14, 2009

Plastic surgery

Tattoo Man announced on Friday that he was considering surgery to remove his wrinkles..

Without hesitation I grabbed the sticky tape from the kitchen and proceeded to perform a procedure.
Of course I was almost pissing my knickers during the whole thing, but the results were (and this is my own personal opinion) pretty impressive and there was no pain or cost involved.
Botox is absolutely overrated and scalpels should be deposited into the sharps disposal immediately.
Sticky tape is where it's at!!

Peeling the stuff back off was pretty bloody hilarious too.

Look, no frown lines....

Friday, September 4, 2009


....has seemingly arrived and gone again, without so much as a whisper of "I'm bored" from the 9 year old.

A constant supply of friends to hang out with helped immensely, along with a huge amount of space to wander in and explore.

It would appear that this latest house move was a stroke of genius, unfortunately I cannot take the merit for that and must give the credit to Tattoo man (bugger, bollocks and bitches)

Summer didn't go quite as smoothly as I'm letting on though.

I was unlucky enough to be the driver of my SUV when a young boy ran out from behind a stationary vehicle and collided with said vehicle.

Fortunately he wasn't seriously hurt and it has made me a bit more 'aware' of any movement than I would perhaps like to be while I am driving (and while I am a passenger in any vehicle)

Because of this Shakka had to miss 3 days of summer school at the Theatre, which she wasn't too happy about, but she will doubtless make up for it.

Tattoo man and I managed a whole 2 day break away to attend a fabulous wedding in St. John NB at the end of August.

I have been to lot's of weddings, but never one like this. The whole thing was in the Theatre and it was just unique.

It was very strange being away from Shakka, even for 2 days and she called me in tears on the Saturday with very real signs of homesickness and missing her Mom.

I got up the next morning at 4.30 to go and collect her...yes Mommy was missing her girl too!!

We spent a fabulous day at Riverglade watching the MotoX, resulting in the purchase of a 110cc Kawasaki (pronounced ca wa ski if you are a 9 year old!!), which was ABSOLUTELY necessary, honestly Dad... Tattoo man and me (despite the weight restriction) have had several outings, but alas, Shakka is terrified to ride the bloody thing..is now a good time to say I TOLD YOU SO..

LOOK OUT Kijiji, here I come!!!

Blog has not been too forthcoming, but it`s been as hectic as hell. Not that I'm complaining, this summer has been pretty fantastic.

I will try and step it up a gear once I have completed the final step of my immigration paperwork (citizenship) after the small people have returned to their learning institutions!!

Now I have to apologize, my keyboard has gone funky and is putting the wrong comma`s etc in the wrong places..but you`ll have to live with it!!

HALLOWEEN...bring it on