Thursday, March 12, 2020

Covid 19. Coronavirus.

I wish you'd been with me Monday. I'm sitting in my Dr's office after having opened the door with my elbow, washing my hands, and correctly applying hand sanitizer. In comes a 30 something mom with two kids, both were under the age of 5.
She opened the door with her hands and immediately took three large pumps of hand sanitizer from reception, liberally slathering her kids. Kid two sits on a chair and starts whining, she then drops her stuffy and pacifier on the floor. Mom, without hesitation picked up the stuffy and shoved it at the kid, then she puts the pacifier in her own pocket. Kid 2 then whines again. Mom does the smart thing. She removes the pacifier from her pocket, sucks it, and subsequently fills the whining hole of the kid with it.
How I did not piss my big old lady knickers laughing, is something I still haven't worked out!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Burning the flag. Pledging allegiance.

The people of the United States of America have for many years pledged allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.  This pledge reads as such, on this day January 26th 2017;

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

If all things were in actual fact fair, honest and equal, for all American citizens, then a similar pledge of allegiance would probably read as such;

"I pledge allegiance to The United States of America, one nation, standing together,  indivisible, with liberty, equality and justice for all.

This should probably come with the preface that "all" means just that.  ALL inclusive; regardless of race, color, sexual orientation, gender, faith, and political leanings.

Oddly enough, those that share a more liberal view of things pretty much grasp this already.
The conservatives are yet to figure out what "allegiance" means....

In late November of 2016, after a few well publicized cases of flag burning in the United States of America during the 2016 federal elections, Donald Trump Tweeted that "Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag. If they do there must be consequences-perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail"

Unfortunately for Trump, the Supreme Court of the United States of America has twice affirmed the right to desecrate the US flag as a form of free speech.  Firstly in 1989 and again a year later in 1990.

Musician and general badass Henry Rollins investigated in depth a number of things concerning "the flag" for his History Channel show "Ten things you didn't know about" just a few years prior to this particular Trump bullshit outburst, and many people (Americans and others) were already very aware of the legality of setting alight the Star Spangled Banner...but it seems that Trump missed the "flag" episode of this very informative and educational show.

Pledging allegiance to the flag in the United States of America was officially recognized by Congress in an Act approved on June 22, 1942.
However the pledge was first published forty years prior in Boston, MA, in celebration of the 400th anniversary of Columbus "discovering" America.

Originally using the words "my flag" instead of "the flag of the United States of America" the change was thought to prevent ambiguity among foreign born nationals, who were often presumed to be thinking of their native flag while reciting the pledge.  Racist leanings?  Well, the change certainly wasn't put there for the white conservative christian men (who's ancestors incidentally, were not native to North America) already steadfastly attempting to maintain their power (over the very same North America that they, and their families immigrated to) using those exact conservative christian leanings.

On Jun 14th,1954 President Eisenhower had Congress add the phrase "under God" stating that "in this way we are reaffirming the transcendence of religious faith in America's heritage and future; in this way we shall constantly strengthen those spiritual weapons which forever will be our country's most powerful resource in peace and war"

Not that it wasn't blatantly obvious already, but right there is where you can actually visualize hypocrisy, bigotry, racism and cherry picking.

Eisenhower was absolutely obvious in assuming that the entire population of the US should not only be religious, but that they lived only by the teachings of the bible, following only one "god"...the one heralded the white male christian right wing.
How then could there be "Liberty and justice for all"?  The answer is short and not quite as sweet.. "There cannot be liberty and justice for all"

Right there with that action Eisenhower negated the beliefs of anyone that didn't tow the religious right wing line.

Not even five years after this action by Eisenhower's Congress, immigration to the US by peoples from Europe decreased, and immigration by peoples from Asia and Latin America increased greatly.  Now it should be fairly obvious to anyone that many of those now arriving on the shores of "the land of the free" would be almost certain to have alternate beliefs and faiths.  But no.  It would appear this change in the origins of those who chose migration has in no way since seemed to persuade the Cis White Misogynist Christian Republicans, that they are out of touch... NOOO siree.  Quite the opposite.  They ABSOLUTELY refuse to see anything other than what exists in their tiny blinkered god bothering heads, unless of course their bigotry is not helping them to get rich or climb the corporate ladder at some point, in which case they cherry pick bible phrases and the words of others in order to tweak the truth of their immoral bullshit.  They also spew what are now widely known as "Alternate facts" whenever they see fit.  Previously these were acknowledged as out and out lies.

That said, there is a decline in recent years in the number of those associated with the Moral Majority and they are fast becoming the Moral Minority.  Either way their "morals" have always been questionable.

Just the fact that the pledge contains the words "under god" and "with liberty and justice for all" in the same paragraph offers absolute proof that here in modern western society in 2017 there is no "liberty and justice for all" and especially not in Trumps America.
 If you are a follower of any other religion than Christian, and although Donald Trump himself is quite obviously not a church going or moral man, you are akin to shit on a shoe...Just ask Mike Pence.
If you are of any other gender than "male" or "female", and this means those genders must have been assigned to you at birth, you are considered at this point in time by the majority of your Republican federal government; a persona non grata.  If you are gay, bisexual, gender non conforming, transgender, native american, black, mexican, muslim, jewish, immigrant or descendant thereof.... if you are a woman with aspirations of well paid jobs, a lucrative career, with religious beliefs other than christianity, or someone who is in need of an abortion, contraceptives and other sexual health are in the land of the "free" sure.  But the reality of it is that you don't have nearly the same levels of "liberty" and nor will you be considered for anything close to the same levels of justice  that republican white christian men have, because in their eyes you are inferior, and they are calling all the shots right now, and they decide who will get what levels of freedoms, liberties, justices and considerations.

If you are reading this you are probably not a hypocritical, misogynistic, lying, racist, bigot who buys their way in and adds a drop of bullying for good measure.  It's likely you are also not a cis, white, male, christian, republican.

 That being said, now you and your freedoms count for shit and so does pledging your allegiance to a fucking flag.


Please note that at no time did I refer to Donald Trump by the title given to him at his inauguration as I feel it would be insulting to the majority of good people who will read this.

KG January 26 January 2017

Friday, September 25, 2015

Stupid, irresponsible, moron

To the totally moronic bitch, in a white Nissan 370z, who let her daughter exit the car, in a lane of moving traffic, outside Wes Hosford school in Sherwood Park, Alberta this am, while there was a GREEN light and moving traffic behind her.
Congratulations you total fucking idiot. You win the crown for the most irresponsible fucking idiot this morning, and that's no easy feat, I tell you.
Not only did you put YOUR child in serious danger, as you let her walk out into what I can only describe as a debacle of traffic... during the school run, but you put other people, their kids and at least 15 other drivers in danger.
Then, you sped off, driving  at least 60kms ph, in a school zone of 30kms. Followed by 75kms ph in a 50km zone.
OK, we get it. YOU are so much more important than ANY one else who has a life.
I wonder though, how you would be feeling if the driver behind had only seen the green light, not realizing that your stupid fucking ass was at a full stop, in a moving lane of traffic.
Not only did you let your child exit your (really nice) car, but then you stopped her, in the road.... to talk to her.
NEVER in my life have I seen such a blatant disregard for a life.
Especially that of a young innocent child. Age 8 or so at a guess?
Lady, you deserve a special seat somewhere really secluded for a very long time, to give you time to reflect on your complete fucking stupidity.

Nice blonde hair btw.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Canada Post

This morning I took a super short drive to the Post Office, in order to mail an autographed band tee to my nephew in England.
As usual  the service was poor, not a smile in sight, with poor communication to top it. The latter is probably best saved for a separate  blog.
I hand over my package, which I just got from a hook in the establishment, only to have it weighed and measured.
It's a tee shirt, how big could it possibly be?
So, the package big as it is. Not a fucking huge surprise really.
But here's the stinger. To mail a medium tee from Canada to England via priority mail, it would cost me almost $65.00! "What the fuck?" Were my precise words. "It's a $20 tee."
"No, I won't pay $65.00" I tell the cashier.
She offers a $10.00 airmail alternative, which will take 2-3 weeks. Really? Is it doing a world tour, because I can fly from Edmonton to Manchester in around 9 hours.
I ask "what else is available?" $7 and change is my last option for land delivery. I pay and I am immediately informed of the 7-8 weeks it may take to arrive...
I'm going to presume a tortoise is taking it to Halifax, where it will be passed to an ageing lobster, who will swim with it to Scotland, where a Haggis will take it as far as Hadrians Wall, at which point it will transfer to a sheep from North Yorkshire.

Who ever heard of such bullshit?

My nephew  will love the tee regardless, but I'd love to see an explanation for the logistics involved in the delivery of mail by CP. I'm hearing more bad reviews as time goes on and this is the gooey, runny shit colored icing on the burned Victoria Sponge.

KG 22/7/15

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Cortisol Connection

The Cortisol Connection.

Why is it so fucking difficult for Drs to understand the Endocrine System?
They seem to have a handle on the skeleto-muscualr system and the digestive system.

These people are Medical Professionals with at least 4 years of University education.  
The caring profession.  
Folk that signed up to take care of their fellow people.  
Members of an elite, who swore an oath to uphold certain standards of healing. 

It doesn't go unnoticed that college students studying a simple Anatomy & Physiology class learn Endocrinology on a daily basis and appear to have a firm grasp of the concept that, if one of your hormones is doing a funky dance, out of whack, or playing hooky, the rest will certainly follow suit.

Hell, the general public is well aware of roid rage.  Wrestlers and body builders the world over get it. Remember that skinny kid in your class at school that bulked up to look like a lumpy pillow and went off the rails?  You see, even you can tell when a persons endocrine system is freaking out.    

And we all have that one Auntie with a fat belly, skinny legs and a beard, right?

So why in the name of Chris Benoit can Drs not put insulin and cortisol together and make Cushings Disease?

What is so difficult about measuring some thyroid hormones, finding them too low and treating the patient with a similar animal hormone, instead of giving them some chemically produced synthetic pill from a pharmaceutical company, that only contains a part of what needs replacing?   They readily treat diabetes with pig Insulin.... 

Why, if a lady is exhibiting signs and symptoms of Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome, and has a five o’clock shadow more impressive than Sidney Crosbys Stanley Cup Final play off beard, and pustules the size of skittles, can we not then diagnose their PCOS and give this lady the care, attention and treatment they need, instead of telling her she is fat, lazy and needs to shave?

Why does the size of a persons dorsocervical fat pad (yes it has a real name, it's not just a hump) need to be out of range of sight and just how many 100's of lbs does one need to gain (without changing their routine or diet, while going inexplicably bald, and becoming emotionally unstable) before a Dr, who you are paying for out of your taxes, will allow you to piss in a plastic bottle to let someone else dip a testing strip in it, so as to test for Cushings disease? 

Is all of this happening because pharmaceutical companies don’t pay Drs to do test for these illnesses?
It sure as hell seems that way.

Or maybe it's because Fibromyalgia, which has no specific cause, and no scientific explanation, is so much easier to diagnose and can be treated with a cocktail of drugs, offered to Drs, with a nice little pay off, by the pharmaceutical companies?
Very likely.

Indeed, it takes an average of five years worth of wrong diagnosis, for the average person to get a correct diagnosis in regard to an endocrine illness, other than diabetes.  Test after test, after repeat test.  You'll likely get a bunch of false positives too.  For certain you will get prescriptions of this pain medication, that anti-depressant and the other sleeping pill along the way, doled out readily and steadily.  
And along the way you are certain to get at least one diagnosis of depression, but you will not need to visit to a mental health Dr. You will constantly be told you are fat and lazy, but won't need to see a dietitian.  And you'll get at least two fibromyalgia diagnosis requiring absolutely no physical, no urine testing and no blood work....   

I'm special.  I have fibromyalgia three times!

Maybe someone with a PHD can explain it better, and give me another prescription for some medication I don’t need while they do so, because from where I am sitting It just makes absolutely no fucking sense.
Or maybe I’m just depressed, with fibromyalgia and a side of brain fog......

Karen Graham HNC  June 4 2014

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The school run

Since we moved house, I have been driving my daughter to school and back daily.  Every morning I use the word cunt at least five times on said run.

I really need to have her video the mornings fiascos, because honestly it boggles the mind.

Today was a PRIME example of how not to drive, and asking; "HOW THE FUCK, did you get a license?"

On one section of the road we use, (and what I'm describing here is a four minute drive total.  No more, no less) there is an access road leading from to some seniors apartments.  Access for them only, and they can only drive in one lane.   It's used by others as a shortcut, but they can just as easily go the other way.  It adds a whole 30 seconds to their journey.
Of course, this morning there were three builders trucks parked on this road, so I had a total of three half asleep, not ever awake seniors drive right towards me, in my lane.  You can bet your arse I'm cunting now,  loud and fast.

So I continue to drive and I get to the intersection of the roundabout (traffic circle) where I stop to  give way to teens crossing for school.  Then I have Mrs Fucking Stupid Cunt stop, on the circle, with three vehicles behind her, to let me out.  I wave her on seething, only to see her pull up right away to let her kid out in the middle of the road.  He gets out, dithers for a second an then scrambles back in.  They drive off and go into the school parking lot, where there is a DROP OFF zone.   While this is occurring another woman has pulled over at the side of the circle, to dump her teen off.
This is all taking place on a legal roadway, and it happens EVERY day.

I'm at a loss.  There are traffic cops (RCMP) around here every afternoon, but never a one in the am. Likely because they are all at Tim Hortons, chowing and gassing! (Eating and Drinking)

About a month ago, I followed one of the aforementioned seniors.  She actually stopped on a through road to let out a guy waiting at an intersection  (T junction).  I almost hit her up the ass, but I managed to avoid doing so, even though I was having a WHAT THE FUCK?? moment.  Then again at the roundabout, she stopped mid way around in the flow of traffic, to let a person waiting to go around, get into the flow.  He declined her kind offer, with his mouth wide open, shaking his head!

Now I know, they are a little confusing, but once you are in the circle, you have the right of way.
Similarly, if someone is waiting at an intersection to get out, and you are on a road with no markings, other than to separate either side, you need to keep fucking going.
Generally, this stops the vehicle behind you ramming up your tail end!

I swear my blood pressure is high every time I get home after the school run in the morning.

I need a beer!!

KG Headbangerwoman 2015 Jan 14

Monday, January 12, 2015

Tips for driving in icy conditions

How I am laughing right now.

I just went to to see if we in the Great White North are getting a warm up.  It seems we are, but that is not why I am pissing in my large lady knickers.
Noo, the reason I'm deliriously dribbling, is a link for tips on driving in icy conditions.

Is it really necessary?  Really?  Come on, if you can't drive in icy conditions, especially in Canada or the Mid-West, you should get the fuck out of your car and walk.

Here is what you need to know about driving in icy conditions.

1: If it's dark, put your fucking lights on
2: Slow the fuck down
3: Stop fucking texting
3.5: Slow down more than you just did
4: Don't attempt to stop two feet away from a red light.  It's not going to fucking happen

In all honesty, I'd just advise you to sit the fuck down on the couch, eat pizza and drink a beer.

OK, you have a very, very small chance of choking to death, or suffering a nasty case of alcohol poisoning, but you are cutting out the possibility of getting T-boned by all the other cunts that don't know how to drive in icy conditions!

Stay Safe. Stay Home!

Headbangerwoman KG 2015 Jan 12

Saturday, January 10, 2015

How Cleo almost killed the Christmas spirit!!

Another vaguely mentioned story in my 2014 Year of The Cunt post, was the one about the Senior lady with a hand full of items, who was behind me in my line at a checkout.

I'd been standing at the checkout for a while.  It was probably six days prior to Christmas Day, and the grocery store wasn't ridiculously busy, but it was steady.

Actually, this is a story of two women because I'd just started to unpack my fairly full cart, when a busy body looking woman, all short and glasses, almost knocked me sideways in her urgency to get through the line.  "I'm just waiting for someone" she informs me.  I look up as I continue to unpack... "and my friend will be a while, but that line is shorter", she indicated to the next line, where there were two people already lined up behind the person being served. "Why don't you go there and I'll just take your spot?"  Really fucktard? I know that I may not always be the sharpest tool in the box, but really?  "I'm good,"  I assured her, as she bumbled off muttering under her breath.

Not even a minuted had lapsed, and up came lady number two.  She stood quietly behind me, but as I glanced at her, I noticed she had only five or so things in her hands.  "You should go first," I said.

Obviously, she moved by me at the speed of light!

I felt all warm and tingly.... for a whole half a minute.  Then I look up again, and there it is;  a mini meltdown is being had by the lady I just let through.  The checkout lady, who serves me frequently, looked up apologetically, and then turned back to the wrath of the snarky senior.  "How could this be happening?," I asked myself, "I just let this lady go before me, and here she is holding me, and now the couple behind me up!"  I start polite banter with the couple behind.  We are all slightly disgruntled, but become more and more amused, as we realized that this woman is arguing the price of a bag of chipits!  Yes, she is disputing approximately two dollars, on one bag of chocolate chips.  Now I could understand this, if she appeared homeless, or less affluent.  But this particularly tight bitch is dripping in gold and fur, and iis wearing more make-up than the corpse of Cleopatra.
I heard the checkout lady ask her again and again, "what aisle were they in?"  as the reply came "they were over there," as Cleo waves her hand randomly in the direction of, well the entire store!
This continued for a good five minutes, back and forth, and eventually the poor employee headed off in the direction of the bakery aisle.
She came back quite quickly, and did actually reduce the price, but all in vain.  Now Cleo wanted the bag for free.  She was checked out, and in a flurry and a hurry, headed off to Customer Service where she was going "to demand I get them for free because of all the inconvenience."
What a shame that had to happen, because I will never let someone cut in again.  I don't care if they have one item with the price tag set in stone, in three feet high numbers!  I was here first, and you can wait in line, just like I did!

This has to be one reason why the youth of today do not respect their elders.  Because the elders are disrespectful assholes.
How do you teach something that is long forgotten, and never practised?
That woman glanced at me once during the whole fiasco, and gave me a pained smirk.  But she knew precisely what she was going to do, and whether in front or behind me, would have been every bit as frightful, annoying, rude and goddamn disrespectful.

2014 sure was The year of The Cunt!

Happy New Year!

Headbangerwoman  KG Jan 10 2015

Friday, January 9, 2015

Overflow. Oversight?

In August 2014, we bought a new/old house.  New to us, older than our last house.
We love it.  The size, the layout, and the location.  The beautiful yard, and the abundance of birds.

But it seems we were duped by the seller somewhat, as I mentioned in my last post.  We expected to do a few upgrades, we could see what they were, and we had the budget.  However, some things were not as visible!  Which is not what the seller attested to at the sale! NO latent defects, he stated!

My neighbour filled me in on details of the people we purchased from a few months after we took posession, but we felt the full force of their sheer cuntness on the last day of November, 2014!  

After a fab day shopping and doing the family thing, we returned home, exhausted.  No sooner than she had retreated to her basement, did my daughter come running up the stairs, yelling and screaming "there's water pouring in through the fucking light fitting!"

Yes she was swearing, as was I when I saw the fucking mess.  Literally, there was water pissing in throught the light fitting in the ceiling, and it wasn't long before it was pissing in through another light fitting, all over the ceiling, down the wall, under the drywall, and under, and over the carpet.
This was first discovered at 8.45pm.  By 11pm the entire 1200 square feet of the basement was affected somehow..
After a few frantic calls, and what seemed like a decade, a clean up crew arrived at midnight.. and didn't leave until 5am!  The same crew, plus a few more were back at 8.30am!  They ripped the whole place apart, sucked up the massive puddle that was the floor, boxed up our belongings, and cleaned up as best they could.

My plumber popped by and fixed the burst pipe the next day, so we were waterless overnight.
But he put her to bed for $500, and in just under two hours.

The follow up included industrial fans a-blaring for an entire week, 24/7, and dehumidifyers sucking the water from my fish bowls, as they did their best to suck the water from my walls and floor!
Carpet was ripped up, drywall was cut out and tossed.  Belongings that were only unpacked weeks before due to our move, were packed back up and shipped out.

My childs bedroom was unusable, so she had to sleep on a lumpy sofa bed upstairs for two weeks. While she was re homed, the weight of the boxes that had been stored in her closet, caused the shelf and hanging rail to rip out of the wall and break her closet doors.
Now she is back in her room, but still surrounded by boxes, until that hiccup is fixed!

A total fucking fiasco of complete strangers in and out daily, checking this and measuring that.
Of course, we had just booked a little Christmas break a few days before shit hit and fans fanned, and we had also booked a kitchen installation, which now won't happen until February, because I don't have a place to store the cabinetry until the contractor is available!

And you know why all this happened?  This all happened because Mr Jim'll Fix It (his name really is Jim),  the incompetent fat cunt who sold us the house, couldn't be bothered to insulate the outside tap, and put a grill in the ceiling for winter shut off access.  He just couldn't spare the extra pennies (literally less than $50), and 15 minutes of his time, to make sure the house was protected from frost.
He managed his cigarette habit with ease, mind you.

What adds oomph is that while the rebuild has been going on, we have discovered that Mr Fat Incompetent Cunt had left live electrical wires hanging in the ceiling space, right near water pipes, he had exhausted a bathroom fan into a closet, he didn't cut a hole in the siding when he re did it, for the central vac to get air, and he failed to hook up the furnace to the outside.  Preferring the ceiling cavity!!

I could have paid for 20 inspectors prior to my home purchase and not a thing would have shown up.

Of course, this is the same cock that installed an electrical socket, and then put a toilet (at an noticable angle) directly in front of it, so it's totally unusable.  So none of this should surprise me really.  But what it does, is make me doubt humanity just that little bit more.  It makes me realize that you go out of your way for others, and often they will fuck you sideways in the ass, wiggle a little, and then smile about it!!

Well cunt, not this time.  Your ass fucking days are over.
Karma drives a Toyota Tacoma, watches Botched, and listens to Slayer!

I have a great insurance company, that have supplied me with fabulous contractors, and we will shortly be back to normal below grade.
 But it has been one hell of a disrupted winter, and with some -40c temperatures, a tad chilly here and there!

Karen G, Headbangerwoman Jan 9 2015

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

2014. Year of the Cunt.

Technically, the Case Manager at my insurance company was a cunt in 2013, because that was when she told me that my insurance would stop.  But it didn't cease until 2014, so I carried her bitch ass over.

Celtic Management were cunts from 2010-2014, so that counts.  They were consistent cunts too, which is always a plus.

There was the older lady in the grocery store, just before Christmas.  She only had a few items, compared to my cart full, so I let her go in front of me.  Unfortunately, she was a cunt.  She spent ten minutes arguing the price of a bag of chipits, followed by more time trying to explain to the exasperated checkout assistant where they were in the store.  Then she spent more time trying to get a price reduction.  She headed off to customer service to attempt to get them free after all that.
This woman was dripping in jewelry, make-up and fur!

TD Mortgages were cunts for offering me a mortgage at 3% higher than the company I eventually went with.  Also, the mortgage advisor at TD is a cunt in her own right, because she opened a file for me, and was then MIA for two months, leaving no access to my file!

Yet another one of my family almost topped the list for cunt of the year in 2014. You never really know someone, seemingly.  Oh well, you live and learn!
However this person was topped by a big fat cunt, we'll get to him!

A person that I thought was family, not just a friend, got her ass on my cunt list in August.  Narcissism and addiction caused her to blow her entire life out of proportion.  She blocked me on Facebook.  Yes, you know it's bad if Facebook blocks you!!  There has been no other contact since that.
I haven't missed her either, so it just goes to show!  Cunt.

Riteway Movers, Edmonton.  CUNTS, the lot of them.  Not only did they grossly misquote me.  They then wanted me to move a bunch of my own items, that they couldn't fit in the truck.
Then they threw the entire contents of my china cabinet into a box, without wrapping a single item!
They packed paint spray in boxes clearly marked NO SPRAY paint, which then exploded all over my freshly decorated basement, and my designer sandals from Spain.  They moved boxes which I had marked garbage, and brought them along for the ride!
They also gouged holes in the walls of the house we were selling, with furniture that they couldn't be bothered to dis-assemble, and continued that trend into my new house.  Coming to me later and telling me that "those marks were already there."

Of course you get the daily driving cunts, cunts in grocery stores, customer service cunts, and the like.  But there has ultimately got to be a winner!

CUNT (or cunts) of the year goes jointly to one Jim Klein and his wife Angela.  They sold me a house that seemingly had more holes than a tea strainer.  Holes in gas lines, flooring, siding, sinks, and did I mention the fucking hole in the water pipe that burst on 30 November, causing my entire basement to flood?  All hidden or concealed.
Of course Jimmy boy had also failed to put an access hatch, insulation, or a stop tap anywhere close to the pipe when he reno'ed, so he did us a real favour.
I have to mention the electrical outlet that he put behind a toilet cistern in the family bathroom, just because it really is a WTF moment every time I shit!

No sooner had we unpacked after our move in August, than we were packing shit up again!
If anyone who knows this cunt sees him, they should tell him to redirect his fucking mail too.
 He hasn't done that yet, and he moved out in July 2014!  What a cunt!

Headbangerwoman Jan 7 2015