To the totally moronic bitch, in a white Nissan 370z, who let her daughter exit the car, in a lane of moving traffic, outside Wes Hosford school in Sherwood Park, Alberta this am, while there was a GREEN light and moving traffic behind her.
Congratulations you total fucking idiot. You win the crown for the most irresponsible fucking idiot this morning, and that's no easy feat, I tell you.
Not only did you put YOUR child in serious danger, as you let her walk out into what I can only describe as a debacle of traffic... during the school run, but you put other people, their kids and at least 15 other drivers in danger.
Then, you sped off, driving at least 60kms ph, in a school zone of 30kms. Followed by 75kms ph in a 50km zone.
OK, we get it. YOU are so much more important than ANY one else who has a life.
I wonder though, how you would be feeling if the driver behind had only seen the green light, not realizing that your stupid fucking ass was at a full stop, in a moving lane of traffic.
Not only did you let your child exit your (really nice) car, but then you stopped her, in the road.... to talk to her.
NEVER in my life have I seen such a blatant disregard for a life.
Especially that of a young innocent child. Age 8 or so at a guess?
Lady, you deserve a special seat somewhere really secluded for a very long time, to give you time to reflect on your complete fucking stupidity.
Nice blonde hair btw.