Join a Fucking Forum, Facebook Whingers
I am hoping that this is the last time I write about this.
Yes; I know all about freedom of speech. I know we are all entitled to our opinion. I know that you sometimes feel sick.
But really? You need to take to Facebook and repetitively reveal that you are sneezing. You have a cold. Your stomach hates you, or that you have a fucking paper cut?
In the past two years, two very good friends of mine, both of whom had Facebook accounts, died. They had cancer, and very rarely, if ever, did they whine, whinge, moan and complain about it on social media.
They knew what it meant to live. To enjoy life. To have fun.
Recently I deleted a bunch of people from my Facebook friends list. I didn't care to see how much weight they had lost. I don't give a shit that they are supporting Kleenex single handedly, and I really don't care if you have got a fucking itchy rash on your arse crack.
I live away from my family. My choice. But Facebook is my main means of keeping in touch. If you are my friend on Facebook then I like you. We are friends. However, if you are constantly moaning griping and being a self effacing cunt, and it shows up on my Facebook feed you will be deleted.
I will call you out on it first though. YUP. Name and shame.
Here's why;
I am chronically ill. For the past three years I have been in chronic pain. I am chronically fatigued, I have gained weight, my hair has fallen out and my skin and nails are flaky. I can't breath and I have a lot of infections.
I have developed chronic allergic asthma and was diagnosed hypothyroid from Hashimotos, also with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus. My social life has been awful and I spend a lot of time resting and sleeping. I take a bucket load of medications and I visit many Drs.
However, I don't require constant attention, negative or positive from people. Therefore I don't discuss my personal health issues on Facebook. Neither do my friends with similar ailments and conditions. OK, we all have an outburst now and again, but I have had one (ex) friend complain about a different ailment every day for four consecutive days. Even though she was away on a trip with her husband, at the time.
Another moaned relentlessly about her health, family and work. I mean relentlessly. Day in day out. Woe is me.
Well I've had e fucking nough. I'm done, I won't tolerate it any more. The day has come. Each time I see a whinger, and to be honest I think I've fucked most of them off, they will be deleted.
Not unfollowed. NOPE SIREE, just plain old deleted. I don't need the negativity. I try to stay positive, it makes me feel better.
So, bear that in mind you griping pieces of shit. I've come to the end of my rope.
Feel better. You pathetic twats.
KG Headbangerwoman 2014
KG Headbangerwoman 2014