Do fake accents bother you?
This was the question posed by Lochlin Cross, drive-time announcer on 100.3 The Bear yesterday, for his locker room discussion.
As Cross and I had been discussing this back and forth on Twitter and Facebook prior to the FB posed question, in good humour I might add, because the fake Irish and Scottish accents had been driving me crazy, advertising on the radio all day. I was mildly amused when another Bear listener posted that she liked to do a "British or Cockney accent."
I then posted
Britain is a collection of Countries. Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, and England.
Britain as a whole has no accent.
Cockney is a regional dialect from a part of London, specifically.
Like Cornish, Geordie or Glaswegian. (Google them)
Each County has several dialects. A county is a region in England. There are many.
Also, it's Paddy. Not Patty. Patty is a slab of beef on a bun. Or a bap, depending on
your region!
Paddy is an Irish fella."
My cell phone was on the fritz and the Northern part of Northern Ireland disappeared! But to the poster who chose to point out that Ireland (The Republic of and Northern, were in fact a seperate island than the rest of Britain and Southern Ireland is not a part of it) thanks, my Dad was from Ireland and I did well in Geography class at England!
I personally don't think that there is anything particularly offensive about my post. OK, I laughed at the beginning, but as I already explained, I was having an amusing back and forth with the host prior. Also, I had to make it fairly simple as I'm quite sure no-one gets it unless they actually live there!
Just how simple is up for discussion. I'm not sure the hurlers of muck, shit and compost were quite ready for their lesson!
However ready, poster Roxy FluffyBomb and her posse of abusive girlfriends seemed to think it was OK, to come at me. So, now I'm an asshat and three people agree. What the fuck is an asshat anyway? When have you ever seen a person with a hat actually on their ass? Do you know what an actually prick you sound, when you try to insult someone with a non expletive?
Then I'm a bitch. On top of which, I'm a whiny crybaby. Well I've never been called a bitch before. Really, that is the best you can muster? The University of Alberta must be so proud of you Jo Ziggy! By the way, less people agree that I'm a bitch. You might want to call them out on it!
Now as a person who writes as a hobby, I decided to look into the people that were hurling abuse. You cannot imagine what I found?
A beautiful native lady, with a great talent for art, and a student (or employee) at the University of Alberta. Someone with a fairly high degree of education!
WOW. I was taken aback. Make your own judgements there. I have no words.
However, I am going to say is this; Firstly, I have never seen people, trolls or otherwise, jump on a person so quickly for merely pointing out some facts that they were unaware of. By the way, giving them an option to correct the fact that they they can speak British or Cockney and therefore making themselves look less like a total twat.
Was it Forrest Gump that said "A twat is as a twat does"? No, my bad, that was me, just now.
Secondly where is the respect people? Just where? Surely live debate in it's purest form is a way to learn and indeed educate those around you. If the first thing you say to someone is "You are an asshat", it bodes not well for the rest of your day, or life.
I named you in this article because you are two of the most disrespectful and ignorant people I ever had the displeasure of coming across. There have been a few more.
As I pointed out at the time of the discussion, my daughter is a friend of mine on Facebook. How am I supposed to teach her respect when disrespecting dick heads like you two are on the internet being abusive to people you don't know, have never met, and would likely learn a lot from if you were to ever meet? I'm guessing that both of you think online bullying is OK and I should give free reign to my daughter, to just randomly be abusive to people online, because they said something she didn't like, or agree with?
I'm not playing victim here. I'm older and wiser than that. I take the high road, while you two pathetic excuses for human beings wallow in the shit you dug up for yourselves. I only hope that you are savvy enough, (yet I highly doubt that) to realize that your disgusting behaviour is out there for all to see and it comes back and bites you hard on the arse.
That's a British word.
If, like some posters to the discussion thread later on, you had pointed out that you felt I was wrong, or even arrogant, I would have probably apologized. I'm decent like that.
But that train has left the station and is on the return journey.
Shut your North and South, you don't have to have a Bull and Cow about trivial shit, so stick it up your Khyber Pass!
This angry blog was written especially for my friend Rudi, who has a South African accent, but not an African accent on the whole. He may have a touch of an Australian accent in there too!
I wrote this in a mix of a Lincolnshire accent, which is a region/County of England and has many dialects and Albertan, Canadian, EH!
KG 11 March 2014