If you are indeed my friend on Facebook, I probably like you. Or at least I used to like you. But I like you less with every passing day. You make me squirm, you cause me to clench my knuckles, my teeth, jesus I'm even butt clenching. I wanted to pass the time, have a chit chat, do some small talking. What do I get instead? A moaning, whiny fucker. Someone who just sneezed, had to blow their nose. A person who requires that they report every sodding banal, inane lb. of their latest attempt at weight loss. A person who apparently has never seen rain, wind or fucking snow before. You are a person who is so ridiculously co-dependent on your boy/girl friend you need to post bitstrip after bitstrip about it.
Are you really such an attention whore that you must report every single snot laced second of your recent cold? Must I really look at your carbohydrate starved, calorie controlled plate of tomatoes. If you insist upon producing another "couples in love" picture, can you first give a thought to the people who are alone, have lost a loved one, or are just plain sick of your grinning faces.
You live for the comments that follow your latest post about your pain, suffering and inconvenienced life.
These people don't see the real you. Just a persona.
I'm here to correspond, communicate, laugh and learn. Not to carry the burden of your failed whimsicle dietry habits and failure to retain a lasting relationship with another person.
I really don't give a flying fuck about your seasonal ailment, or the fact that you have stomach pain and indigestion.
The weather changes daily, here there and everywhere and if I need to see a forecast; there's an app for that.
Please, pause before you post. You are invading my space, messing with my mood.
If you fuck with my day again I'm deleting your gripy ass.
This blog was brought to you by chronic pain and nasal congestion.
KG 2014